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Download the free Finale Notepad 2006 for a larger view and audio of notation. Windows and Mac versions!



NS Tech #6
The Magic Show


Well, now that we have the "magic trick" let's put it in the "Show" or more understandably...let's put it into a more song like musical content.


Let's really break the magic trick down to "easy to see finger position" so that you can immediately play the major chord, then change it to minor with the bass note.

(Finale Notepad 2003 file for the audio - 4.1KB)

You're gettin' the hang of it now! Keep in mind mistakes that you may make...often sound really good. Remember those as well, if not now, later you'll know how to name them. If you can't name it, remember the 'feel' of the chord and the hand positions so that you can then play the same chord position but in different keys or areas of the neck. EXCELLENT!!!