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NS Tech #3
The shape of things to come - Minor Chords


Ah, coffee's goooood!

"What's with all the coffee?"
When I was startin' out, after high school I moved from Delaware to Las Vegas. Young, on my own, on the road and "savin' my pennies," I noticed that (back then) if you went to a restaurant and ordered a beverage with your burger, that was it. Still thirsty? You paid for a second beverage. BUT, on the other hand .... coffee refills where always FREE ..... "Got the picture now?" So .... a hundred years later ... I actually learned to like the stuff!

So ... the 'minor' shape is a lot like the major shape EXCEPT the -III- of the chord drops a half step OR down one fret ... Let's build this chord and shape in D minor. Looks like this.

(Notice alert: Those 'whacky crazy' dots are in-between the first and second fingers.)

Our Root is now "D" and it is under your second finger. Just like it was when we were playing a "C" chord. The shape difference is that your first finger 'stretches' a bit more. Actually a half step lower, more ... or one fret lower in pitch.

(Whacky observation alert: When I teach students that haven't played a stringed instrument before and especially the Stick ... When I say "Raise that hand 'up' a step, they always move their hand toward the ceiling." Makes total sense just note musical sense ... "Hand goes UP, pitch goes DOWN .... There ya have it! ... "Kids today" ......    .......(
are really cool   ;-)

So tap that D minor chord already. How's it sounding? Are you hitting to hard? Go for a light touch, not a lot of hand or wrist movement is necessary. Let the chord ring, then tap again ... let it breath ... let it ring out. EXCELLENT!!!!